SYST-208 Feature NOT supported

  • This alarm, along with SYST-011 Failed to run task, have been occurring multiple times a day but only begun occurring recently. No new programs. It does not occur at the same place every time, and it does not always occur at any of the places it has occurred.

    We are using a PNS Program Select, but as far as i know, we are only using it to launch PNS0001 which is functioning correctly (My first thought was a non-existent program being called).

    To the best of my knowledge, options do not expire once purchased, so the sudden onset of this problem does not make much sense to me.

    If anyone has suggestions on what could cause this sort of error to occur intermittently, i would greatly appreciate any nudges in the right direction!

  • This line has been running mostly unchanged for the better part of three years now, and we have no documented changes, but i know that doesn't necessarily mean anything. It does not look like there are many things that are triggered via Digital or Group Inputs. All of our Macros are set up as Manual Functions, and the background logic is based on a system variable and just sets digital outputs based on the User and Tool frames.

    We have now had it happen 4 or more times per shift at its worst, and only once per shift yesterday. In general it is not a major lost time incident, since it can be manually run through the cycle back to home, then have FNCT Abort All and resume. The only time we have had issues are when the operator does Abort All before running back to home, as it messes up the event sequence and takes much longer to sort back out.

    Would a shortage of memory cause this? The SYST 011 seems like it could be caused by memory, but not the SYST 208, but machines can do weird things.

  • Its always a special feeling when you have a problem, search for it online, find someone with the EXACT same problem, find that it was 5 years ago and that there was never a solution, and find that you were the one with the problem five years ago.

    So for the NEXT time I search for this exact same problem, i am documenting what we did this time.

    We found that for some unknown reason, the main program on the robot was switching from the "Running" state to the "Paused" state. The way our line is set up, we only transmit the UOP "Running" signal to the PLC, not the "Paused" signal. Because of this, the PLC only saw that the program was NOT "Running", and attempted (repeatedly) to make it run.

    However, because the program was "Paused" and not "Aborted", the robot could not accommodate the new run request, and gave the two errors. SYST-011 (Failed to run task) and SYST-208 (Feature not supported), the feature being the ability to run two instances of the same program at the same time on the same robot.

    The real problem is whatever is causing the robot to enter the "Paused" state (still unknown). However one of our techs found a forum post somewhere that suggested entering a controlled start followed by a cold start to, supposedly, defragment the memory.

    Whatever this ACTUALLY did, it seemed to work. The issue has not re-occurred for two days now.

    I would still love to know, what can cause a robot running in auto to enter the "Paused" state, and is there a simple way to un-pause it?

  • Robo,

    Thanks for putting in a final answer, so many never do.

    The SYST-011 that I have seen the most is because they hit RESET, then immediately hit START. Robot was still resetting-hence the error.

    I just ran some tests and the 1 thing that stops the robot and leaves the PAUSED UOP on is the HOLD.

    Hope this helps

  • If you lose the communication with the PLC it will cause the robot to pause. You could monitor the busy signal to know if it is running. You can resume from a pause with UI 6 start signal. I usually set that to start for continue only, that way it will only resume if it was in fact paused.

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