Hello everyone,
Kss: V4.1.5 Robot: Kr3 & controller: Krc3
Up to now i am able to move the robot from the PLC (c#). So c# program send the move position to PLC and PLC send to kuka. Between PLC and kuka profibus is used.
This post is related to attached image below.
In short I have webcam attached to the stand. For now I am using the chess board as the working space (pick up zone). I want robot to move from the position shown in picture to pick the object (rectangle boxes in this case) when the object is touched. For that I am able to get the X and Y in mm from pixel (since the picture is 2D)when the object is touched.
Now my difficulties are:
1. How can I make robot to move to this X and Y coordinates? because coordinates (mm) of working space is different from the robot Cartesian coordinates. Should I have to make some kind of offset on c#(PLC ) side to make cordinates equal? If so how to make that? OR teach the points to robot? or do something with $base or $world?
2. Since I need to pick the box as top part, I am taking the working space as 2D which means i have only two coordinates(X & Y in mm). How is this x & y related to robot Cartesian XYZABC? or is there way to convert to joint coordinate system or in degree?
In short how to make the robot to know the x & y in mm of camera so that robot can move to that point? My problem is making the relation between camera coordinate to know by robot and it is not about the programming in kuka side or sending values to robot.
I hope my description is not confusing. if it is confusing please ask
Thank you.