Hi everybody!
First of all, thank for your time for reading this.
Well, I am quite new with Fanuc robots so I have some doubts that maybe are easy to solve . I am working in a project where we want to have a HMI interface where the user can "give instructions" to the robot (CR-4iA). The idea is, that the user can control the steps of execution of the program.
For example, if the robot has to do two move instructions. The robot execute one movement and it is waiting until the user touch the key for executing the next movement. In this way, the user can control the program of the robot by saying to execute the next instruction when he wants.
For this task, a HMI seems to be a good and intuitive option.
So, now my question is..
In the teach pendant is possible to design a customize interface for doing this task , or it is better to use an external HMI and then communicate it with the robot by the Ethernet communication protocol SNPX.
Thanks again!