Hi everyone,
Working with a Kuka KR16 and I have been researching this for a while to try and understand how the velocity and acceleration settings work. I understand that in LIN and CIRC modes the velocity set is the tooltip linear velocity and when you set the percentage in PTP mode this limits the rotational velocity of each of the joints? (i think this is correct).
What I am trying to understand now/find out is if the acceleration setting in each mode works the same as the velocity in PTP mode? when setting the acceleration as a percentage does this limit the maximum angular acceleration of each joint by that percentage from its rated maximum? Also are the rated maximum acceleration rates of each of the joints published somewhere in documentation as so far I have not been able to find it?
The reason I am trying to understand these parameters is that I want to be able to predict the completion time of a pre-calculated Kuka path and need to now begin working on these values in order to improve the accuracy of this prediction. If anyone can think a better way to receive this prediction or calculate it this would also be much appreciated.