I want to use the robot IO to control a solenoid valve, we're using a KRC4 Compact.
The default IO mapping for the EL1809 is already mapped and working (checked the lights when I fiddled with the outputs on the pad) but I'm unsure how to do the physical IO wiring.
My solenoid valve has two wires, positive to go to one of the ports on the EL1809, while I understand the negative would go to the EL1100?
But of the three negative ports on the EL1100, two connect to each other, and the last connects to X55 (which I vaguely recall got connected to itself (to close the circuit?) by the kuka guy when we were setting up the robot years ago.
In this case where should I be plugging the wires in to?
(sorry if I'm missing any information/context, very weak in terms of hardware )
tl;dr For my valve, where should I connect my negative wire?
edit: added photo