HR view for Hyundai Robot

  • Hello Everyone

    I have Hi5a S00 controller.
    I want to copy/extract files from
    the controller using HR view,
    I have difficulty in connecting HR view
    with Robot Controller.
    Can someone explain the procedure to connect

    Thanks in advance


  • 0. Connect Ethernet cable (CAT5, UTP or STP) between Controller and Labtop

    1. (Labtop) Modify IP
    - IPv4 (recommend over 100)
    - Subnet Mask
    - Default Gateway or Controller Public IP

    2. (Controller) Check IP from T/P
    - Service - 2.Control Parameter - 9. Network - 1. Environment Setting - "TP (Public)"
    Hi5 -> (defualt)
    Hi5a -> (defualt)

    4. Start HRView Program. and Change Connection type to Ethernet from Bottom Icon (First time, will be display RS-232C). and Click Left "Connect" Icon check Green mark.

    4. (HRView) Assign new Controller IP
    - Click "comm set" Icon.
    EtherNet Setup window will be display

    IP addr. (Click combo arrow and Select Labtop IP)

    Robot Controller
    Name (User Customize)
    IP addr. (Input Actual Robot-Controller Public IP)

    Click "Insert" command button

    and, you'll be find connection list from left.

    Select Host name and Click "OK" command button (EtherNet Setup window will be close)

    5. Click Refresh Buttom

  • Good morning all. I today found this forum and i must thanks here saberlars for this tutorial. Iam connected now to Hi5a TP and all data saved. I start now working with Hyundai robots in my company. We have here some HS 165, HS 180. So from now one i will be here active.

    Thanks very much.

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