restart from abort all

  • Is there a way to continue a program in auto mode when the robot has been turned off without restarting the program from the safehome ?? Or if someone abort all the thing in the middle of a program in auto mode ????

  • Check menu-->system-->config there is an option to continue the program when the controller was restarted.Doesn't remember the exact name of it, but you gonna find it.
    How they abort all the programs?They hit fnct-->abort all?

  • I think if they function abort all you're out of luck you'll have to find where it is in the program and continue from there.
    What kind of program call are you using?

  • Yes, you can always go to the specific line of code where your program stopped and then leave the cursor to that point and put the system back to auto mode and the cycle will continue from where you left or where the robot stopped.

  • Yes, you can always go to the specific line of code where your program stopped and then leave the cursor to that point and put the system back to auto mode and the cycle will continue from where you left or where the robot stopped.

    Be careful with this. If you have an abort all, then the robot will erase the call stack. So it will resume that program and that program only. If that program was called from another program the controller will not know that.

  • Be careful with this. If you have an abort all, then the robot will erase the call stack. So it will resume that program and that program only. If that program was called from another program the controller will not know that.

    Can you tell what if someone is using MACRO's in the program rather than calling a program from another program, will it resume the program or not?

  • I would start counting the steps of the program and then add conditions in your main program to skip to certain labels depending on whatever your R[x] value is. It's not pretty and for someone looking through the program it would look fantastically convoluted, but this sort of stuff works well for me in some UR applications where the client has one robot and nobody really prepared to work with it further ahead than stopping and starting it, sometimes without checking starting conditions.

  • "Abort All" FCNT dont kill the programs in 'BG logic'. Right ? How I kill programs in "BG logic" ? (other way as 6 Setup ->Setup 2 -> BG Logic = Stop)

  • Thank you guys,

    my primarry question was about AbortAll Fnc with BG logic, I discuss with collegue and check it at my robot. AbortAll not stop BG logic. My collegue think, it can be stopped with robot variables, but I am not sure, no finded any coresponding variable.

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