Hallo All,
Does anyone have idea how to calibrate between manipulator and external axes? could anyone please say what are all the precautions needed to be taken while programming manipulator with two rotating axes. Thanks in advance.
Hallo All,
Does anyone have idea how to calibrate between manipulator and external axes? could anyone please say what are all the precautions needed to be taken while programming manipulator with two rotating axes. Thanks in advance.
Need to know some things,
1) What controller?
2) Do you have the coordinated motion option? (just because you have external axis don't assume you have an option that has to be bought)
3) Are the two external axis separate or do they work together? (two separate external axis could be station 1 and station 2 or right and left, two that work together are sometimes called "tilt and rotate" or "Skyhook")
4) have you gone to Motoman.com and downloaded the coordinated motion manual?
What controller?
DX 200
Do you have the coordinated motion option?
Are the two external axis separate or do they work together?
They work Together (Tilt and Rotate)
You need to have the coordinated motion option to calibrate the external axis to the robot.