Shut-Down and Startup in EXT mode

  • Shut-Down and Startup in EXT mode 2

    1. 1 (2) 100%
    2. 2 (0) 0%

    Hi All,
    I am working on a KR10R900Sixx robot with a KRC4 compact.
    I would like to be able to shut down the controller and power it up in External mode without the need of a manual intervention (going back to T1 mode and running CELL.SRC again).
    But I don't find a way to force the robot to resume the CELL program after powering up the KRC.
    As shown in the screenshots , this is what I get after shut down/power up the controller .
    Any idea will be welcomed.

  • check system integrator manual....

    you have no drives on, and therefore cannot start it either.

    to run robot, one must:
    1. power up drives
    2. acknowledge messages
    3. select program
    4. issue start command.

    in T1, T2 and AUT modes, those things are done manually (operator)
    in EXT those things are done through I/O by external controller.

    this requires AutoExternal configuration.

    if you want to make EXT mode really independent of user, you also must remove or bypass BCO check. but doing so you are on your own.

    1) read pinned topic: READ FIRST...

    2) if you have an issue with robot, post question in the correct forum section... do NOT contact me directly

    3) read 1 and 2

  • hi,

    Thank you for your reply .

    if i will skip the home position check ,would the robot restore its old path (before power off).
    In case he would not,i have to create recovery routine. Do you agree?

  • hi,
    Thank you .
    Our customer is having a huge problem with his power supplyer ( The electricity is down several times a day ) , he will receive inverters in about a month
    =>that's why we are searching a solution to avoid any manuel intervention.

  • that requires some clever programming to make auto recovery... several options have been discussed. practical solution is covered in Programming-3 (Kuka College)

    1) read pinned topic: READ FIRST...

    2) if you have an issue with robot, post question in the correct forum section... do NOT contact me directly

    3) read 1 and 2

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