DX100 HS Ethernet: works great, without file

  • Hi all
    I've managed to write a c# program to communicate with our DX100 on HS Ethernet based on the manual (162529-cd).
    Everything is working really good - I'm able to get the position and status really fast, and to change variables without any problem.
    only problem accrues when I'm trying to access file (Processing division = 2).
    I keep getting the error code E4A3 (Format error (processing category error)) on the response, no matter what I tried.
    I'm pretty sure that the header I'm sending is OK, because other than File I can do everything. maybe a parameter?
    has anyone came across such problem? any suggestions?


  • I do not recall any differences in the packet format besides the settings for each instruction. Have you used wireshark to look at the packet data?

    If all that is correct, there are some RS parameters that could be the culprit. I've had robot control instructions work, but file control did not and RS005 to 1 fixed it. If you post your RS.PRM I can take a quick look.

  • Since first asking for your RS.PRM, I spent more time researching the parameters which helped me understand which ones are necessary. The one that stands out to me in your robot is RS007. Try setting it to "2".

    There are parameters in the HS Eserver manual, but here are some parameters I've found through trial and error that also have an effect on the HS Eserver and my recommended settings:
    RS000=2 Port protocol
    RS005=1 BSC Port Function
    RS006=1 Data Transmission Ext.
    RS007=2 Allow actions outside of REMOTE mode

  • Hi Too_Fast

    first, thank you for your time and help.
    unfortunately, I've tried setting up RS007 to 2 without any success.
    a strange thing is, no matter what number I put in the processing division (it should be 2 by the book) I get the same error (E4A3).
    do you have any other ideas?

    thank you

  • Hello everyone! did anyone get the solution of this problem yet? I am able to read and write in the Dx100 but I am unable to get the file list, a processing error e4a3 occurs. Looking for suggestions. Thank you

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