SOLVED - FTP Connection

  • Hi, My company has bought an TS80, and I´m trying to connect via ftp with the robot using ftp surfer (the program that came with the robot cd).
    I'm having problem with the user, password and port (I already know the IP), can anyone help me with that?
    I cant find any information about this.

    Thanks :help:

    Edited once, last by Pj88 ().

  • Hi i was able to connect using user: maintenance and password: spec_cal
    But I´m having this error

    Connecting to '' on port 21...
    220 VxWorks FTP server (VxWorks VxWorks 6.9) ready.
    USER maintenance
    331 Password required
    PASS ****
    230 User logged in
    215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: VxWorks
    257 Current directory is ""
    REST 100
    500 Command not recognized
    RESTart is NOT supported
    257 Current directory is ""
    501 Directory non existent or syntax error

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