KRC1 Notification Message Problem

  • KRC1 V2.3.24 SP07
    GUI VERSION V2.3.33
    ROBOT TYPE #KR15_1 floor ZH01
    R1 Mada V14.4.0/KUKA 2.3

    Hello, I used the manual for programming user messages to create a notification message. It is stated that I should use the following code:


    WAIT SEC 0.05
    WAIT SEC 0.2

    Well this worked for a while but when i tried to change the seconds to something smaller, this occurred:
    the program was stuck in the while loop always waiting and nothing appeared in the KCP
    I tried canceling the program and re initializing the $MSG_T so there wouldn't be any leftovers (and i made sure no message from the software would show while I was running the program). Do you maybe have any idea on how the software works?
    Thanks in advance

  • The message engine is not particularly fast, nor robust, especially on those old systems. It is not built for high-speed messaging, and can quickly become logjammed if you push messages to it too quickly.

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