Hi everyone,
I have designed a 3D printed gripper to KUKA KR5 robotic arm. I control the robot with teach pendant but I have to control the gripper with Arduino and bluetooth module using an android application because I cannot connect the KRC2 controller with my Arduino.
My plan would be to send a Digital 1 signal from KRC2 to the Arduino. When it happenes the gripper would close. If a Digital 0 appears the gripper would open. It is my a senior project at my university but since I am a beginner in robot programming I stucked at this point.
I tried to write a program code (please find it attached) and I wired X11 91th plug. Originally there was one more line between line 8 and 9 which was a WAIT 5s command but it's not on the picture. Then I monitorized with Arduino if Digital 0 changes to Digital 1 but nothing happened.
Thanking you in advance for your time and assistance.