I have 2 Grippers working with ATC, and im using Devicenet communication, gripper one is having MAC ID of 14 and 15 fot the second one.
MAC ID 14 gripper is not having any issue while running, And it is getting chucked unchucked during the process. The problem is while engaging the MAC ID 15 gripper during tool change, the Board 82 goes to error and i.m getting DNET-055,DNET-062n alarms, particular board has two other slave modules with MAC ID 1 and 22.
Errors can be able clear once the robot servo power is shut off by pressing reset button, but as soon as the servo power gets on Error shows back again.
I have checked all any wiring's and i could not able to see any problem, What could be the solution for this pls Help...

Devienet Error DNET-062
vipinpunneri -
October 16, 2017 at 7:29 PM -
Thread is Resolved