how to change kuka cabinet IP address

  • :help:Recently, I am working on two iiwa robots collaboration, and I am using the TCP protocol for data transmission. So there comes the question. How can I change the IP address for kuka cabinet? Thanks a lot!!!

  • An easy thing to find out with the manual ...

    you configure it when you create a project or in the station setup. When you install you will not be able to reach the controller, because it does not have the new ip. In the upcoming dialog you click in the red IP and you fill in the old IP, then the controller is reachable. After the reboot it got the new IP.

  • Sorry, I am just new to this robot. Do you mean to create a new workspace and enter a new IP address and then create a new project? How about the past files on the cabinet? Could they be downloaded to the computer, or I need to copy them to this new project and upload to the cabinet ? And thank you for your patient and help!!!

  • If you are new to the robot you have to read the manual, otherwise you will not be able to program anything!
    The best is if you visite the practise kuka.
    Which kind of programming have you already done before?
    Which workbench do you have?

  • Thank you very much, actually I just read this sunrise workbench manual, I just didn't know where to find some buttons. But after I saw your comment, I realised. So you thank you very much. I have learned some basic java programming, and I am using Sunrise Workbench :icon_smile:.

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