write a program that rotates 30 degrees around the X axis of the user coordinate

  • if rotates 30 degrees around the X axis of the robot base coordinat,can use “point tp1=rx(30)” ,but how to write a program that rotates 30 degrees around the X axis of the user coordinate?how to use frame function in this?

  • Use the TRANS command either in a location creation step, or direct motion.
    - The problem you have is that you can transform to the target from multiple solutions.
    - If you are conversant with the left rule of Kawasaki (OAT) specifically, then by using the TRANS command, any orientation can be achieved.
    - Just remember O = Rz, A = Ry, T = Rz.

    LMOVE tp1+TRANS(0,0,0,90,-30,-90) = positive rotation around the X axis by 30 degrees.
    LMOVE tp1+TRANS(0,0,0,90,30,-90) = negative rotation around the X axis by 30 degrees.

    Just be warned, as the OAT is calculated O then A then T (Rz then Ry then Rz), then it's not just case of putting in a simple degree value like you do with the RX command.

    Hope this helps.

  • thanks!
    but i difficulty understand using the oat rule for x axis rotation,can you have some other method for it.
    user coordinate define: POINT UC1=FRAME(O1,X1,Y1,O1),then I need ratate 30 degrees with user coordinate axis。
    can i use:
    POINT TP1=UC1+RX(30) ?

  • more:
    if i use oat rule,Is the following program correct?
    POINT UC1=FRAME(O1,X1,Y1,O1)
    POINT ROT=TRANS(0,0,0,90,-30,-90)

  • this sample with using oat is good idea,Could you check the following lines for me?
    1、LMOVE tp1+TRANS(0,0,0,90,-30,-90) = positive rotation around the X axis by 30 degrees
    2、LMOVE tp1+TRANS(0,0,0,0,-30,0) = positive rotation around the Y axis by 30 degrees
    3、LMOVE tp1+TRANS(0,0,0,-30,0,0) = positive rotation around the Z axis by 30 degrees


  • I consider the TRANS the most powerful/flexible command for the motion in the Kawasaki Language.

    When you are trying to move reference to a coordinate system - like frame/base/user, then in Kawasaki you are restricted to:
    DRAW......which is a motion and includes translation values aswell as orientation.
    SHIFT......which is a calculation but only includes translation values and not orientation.

    Don't forget the POINT command variations too:
    POINT/X test = master_loc; creates null location values for test - but copies X from master_loc to test

    Where you can decompose the individual elements of a transform and copy them into another transform.

    1、LMOVE tp1+TRANS(0,0,0,90,-30,-90) = positive rotation around the X axis by 30 degrees
    2、LMOVE tp1+TRANS(0,0,0,0,-30,0) = negative rotation around the Y axis by 30 degrees
    3、LMOVE tp1+TRANS(0,0,0,-30,0,0) = negative rotation around the Z axis by 30 degrees

    Remember the TRANS is relative to the taught transformation and NOT a specific coordinate system.

  • Hi kawasaki,can help me to check following code error?
    here tp1
    LMOVE tp1+TRANS(0,0,0,90,-30,-90)
    when executing,but robot can not rotation around the X axis by 30 degrees,why?

  • I ignored the tool coordinates,now It has been resolved。
    code 1:
    ;it rotate 30 degree around the X axis with tool coordinate.
    ;it is not rotate 30 degree around X axis with base coordinate.
    HERE start
    POINT offset=TRANS(0,0,0,90,-30,-90)
    LMOVE start+offset
    TWAIT 1
    HERE start
    POINT offset=TRANS(0,0,0,90,30,-90)
    LMOVE start+offset
    TWAIT 1
    ;it is rotate 30 degree around X axis with base coordinate.
    HERE start
    POINT fx= SHIFT(start by 100,0,0)
    POINT fy= SHIFT(start by 0,100,0)
    POINT uc=frame(start,fx,fy,start)
    POINT offset=TRANS(0,0,0,90,-30,-90)
    LMOVE uc+offset-uc+start
    TWAIT 1
    HERE start
    POINT fx= SHIFT(start by 100,0,0)
    POINT fy= SHIFT(start by 0,100,0)
    POINT uc=frame(start,fx,fy,start)
    POINT offset=TRANS(0,0,0,90,30,-90)
    LMOVE uc+offset-uc+start
    TWAIT 1

    I use code2.

  • Yes, so looking at your code 2 you rotate -30, then back +30.
    TRANS command is very powerful, but does not give you the result on its own as it is applicable to the taught vectors.
    - Therefore you have to apply the rotation around the Base(frame) X axis and not the taught vectors.


    LMOVE uc+offset-uc+start

    Your compound instruction achieves this by rotating the Frame location by -30/+30 and applying the taught vectors to it.......... :top:

    The compound instruction reads as:
    - Return Frame location (XYZOAT) add a target angle for rotation (Frame location OAT change), subtract initial Frame values (results in target OAT change) and add taught location to it.
    - Results in taught location vectors have been rotated around Frame vectors.

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