CPMO-010 SERVO2 Cycle power:JBF size

  • Hi to all!

    I have some questions regarding the variable JBF.

    I'm making a program using position registers, basically i add a sensor so while the sensor is active the registry add 1mm on Y. When the sensor stop sensing the robot stops to perform other activities.

    At the beginning i had the error:
    CPMO-010 SERVO2 Cycle power:JBF size (G: %d^2)

    I found that changing the variable: $CP_PARAMGRP[1].$JBF_SIZE it can solve my problem. I changed the variable to the double and indeed it solve the error running the program.

    Does anyone can explain me what happened? what is the consequence to increase this memory variable? And in fact what exactly is? :help:

  • I can't say what that variable does, but I faced same situation (in a fact I did very similar application) and I solved that trouble without changing this variable. All I had to do was to make CNT number lower in movement which uses continously changing position register.

    I'm curious about that variable as well.


  • All i know is:
    CPMO-010 Cycle power:JBF size (G: %d^2)

    Cause: The allocated internal memory size is insufficient. Therefore, it is impossible to continue to execute a program.
    Remedy: Cycle power to increase the internal memory size automatically just after the alarm occurs. If the alarm occurs again,
    please cycle power again.

    I also tried going down with the value but after maybe 20 cycles if failed.

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