Aborting All Programs and Starting Main Program

  • Hello Guys,

    I am using UI 18 (Prod Start) To launch a main program my robot runs, from there my PLC decides what subroutines to run based on several if statements.

    I am attempting to use CStop to exit out of all my programs and then launch my main program from UI 18 again. The reason for this is under my machine "home" condition, it would stop running all subroutines except the Home routine. However when its already in a routine it is aborting, (UO 3 & 4 = OFF) I set in the system config for the CStop to ABort & ABort All. However when I launch my main program, what ever routine is currently up on the pendant, it goes to the top of this program. How to i run my Main program again?


  • Sounds like you need to set up the PNS to run your "main" program.

    I use the Cstop input to abort the running programs, then have the Cycle Start Input linked to the PNS inputs to call the program PNS0001.

    PNS0001 has on line:

    1: CALL MAIN ;

    You will need to turn these signals on as well with the Cycle Start in order for this to work.
    UI[ 17] OFF PNS strobe

    Hopefully this should be all you need.

  • You don't have to use PNS. You can just use the "Other" method, press detail, and select your main program. Make sure you have set "start for continue only" in the system config, and you not using UI[6] unless you want to resume from where you left off.

    Edited once, last by HawkME ().

  • You don't have to use PNS. You can just use the "Other" method, press detail, and select your main program. Make sure you have set "start for continue only" in the system config, and you not using UI[6] unless you want to resume from where you left off.

    I had the "start for continue only" set wrong I fixed this.
    You said to use the "other" method. Where do I select this method?

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