Error number: 2083 Predefined Signal expected

  • Hello Sirs,

    KSS v8.3.29

    I am getting compilation error in my robot as I defined few signals in $config.dat. It is defined as 16 bit input signal. I am getting an error as mentioned in the subject of this post. It says "Predefined Signal Expected: 2083".

    I checked the complete project but could not find the same tag defined anywhere else. I have another robot project and have the same signal defined and there is no error of this kind.

    Please suggest what does this error mean and how can it be fixed.


  • Post the code. That message, IIRC, comes up when the syntax of the SIGNAL DECL is incorrect. It's also possible that you used a KRL reserved keyword for the Signal name -- the manuals don't cover this well, but you can't (for example) name a Signal "WAIT", b/c KRL treats that as a reserved keyword.

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