Stop the LBR if collision occurs

  • hello

    I try to observe with Collision Observer the motion of my LBR, that moves from Point-A to B. If any collision happends on the way, firstly LBR stops and then gets back its flange 10cm back according to the Flange-CoordinateSystem. And then it moves to Point-B again.

    do you think, my App performs that scenario ?

    edit: I am not sure to get the position of the flange and move back from that position back with

    " lbr.getFlange().move(linRel(0, 0, -100).setJointVelocityRel(0.3)); "

    or with

    "lbr.getCurrentCartesianPosition().move(linRel(0, 0, -100).setJointVelocityRel(0.3));"

    My Program is so:

    public void run()

    // Collision condition
    ICondition collisionCondition = ForceCondition.createSpatialForceCondition(lbr.getFlange(), spatialForceLimit);

    // Collision observer
    ConditionObserver collisionObserver = getObserverManager().createAndEnableConditionObserver(collisionCondition, NotificationType.OnEnable,
    new IAnyEdgeListener()) {
    public void onAnyEdge(ConditionObserver conditionObserver, Date time, int missedEvents, boolean conditionValue)
    if (conditionValue)
    getApplicationControl().setApplicationOverride(0.0d); // Here a collision is detected and LBR stops
    lbr.getCurrentCartesianPosition().move(linRel(0, 0, -100).setJointVelocityRel(0.3)); // collision detection LBR moves back at Z-
    // Direction(10cm)

    // No collision so LBR can move again , so motion activated





    Edited once, last by LBRiiwaa ().

  • Your code snippet can't approach your purpose.
    But you can do something like the following:

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