hi guys!
working with rj3-ic, My problem is this when calibrating coordinate motion with robot and turn table it needs to cold start to assume the new values, where can I change this? is their somewhere in the system variables that I can change so it can assume the new values without having to cold start? The reason I need to do this is a bit complicated but necessary, plaese anybody help me figure out this simple task
coord motion HELP!
regaleira -
July 9, 2017 at 10:18 PM -
Thread is Resolved
I believe that is not possible.
What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Maybe there is some other way around...
I need to have a coordinated motion with Gruop 3 and followed with G1 (robot arm) in the same program I need it to change the calibration values using the same groups but with different calibration values
How many robots do you want to coordinate with that table? 1 or 2? Is everything connected to the same controller?
Why do you want to change that calibration? -
one robot (G1) with one turn single axis tabele (G3) that turns two parallel axis (thats the problem).
i use this instruction to change the coord calabration values:
$CD_PAIR[2].$CD_XF=PR[10], it changes the values but only assumes them after restarting controller -
their is something I chould do... create a new group that is not activated, lets say Gruop 4 and make it eaqual to group 3, this way i can have 2 seperate coord motions by using coord[3] and coord[4]
Not sure if this will work, but try to create 2 separate CD Pairs:
- CD pair 1, with G1 as leader (G3 as follower), for the first rotation axis
- CD pair 2, with G3 as leader (G1 as follower), for the 2nd rotation axis.Then, when programming coordinated motion with the first axis, use COORD [1], and with the second. COORD[3].
Normally the turntable should be a leader, but well, this is not a typical application...
that's not a bad idea, I'll try that
doesn't work, it won't let me set any values if i put leader G1 and follower G3
Then I guess that "virtual" GP4 is what remains... But I think it also won't work
how can i create a GP4? do I have to controle start etc...? might be too complicated
It might not allow me to have two different groups using the same motor
Yes, you'll need controlled start for that. And yes, you won't be able to assign one motor to different motion groups. I'm starting to think that this way also makes no sense, as you probably won't be able to configure a CD pair with a group that has no functional motor...
Anyway, before you go any further, make an AoA and an image backup - just in case.
humm better not risk it, besides I don't like tempering with controled start functions.
theirs gotta be an easier way, just gotta figure out why it needs a cold start to assume the values, maybe there's a place in the system variables were the values must be transferd to other than in $CD_PAIR[2]. $CD_XF.... What happens when It cold starts so it validates the calibrated values..? I think thats the key -
To the best of my knowledge, some changes require a cold start to take effect because they are changes to things that occur naturally in the start up process, or there is a risk of conflicts existing in parts of RAM if the old version has been in effect since the last cold start. Performing a cold start allows the RAM to clear out and start from a clean slate, and it allows start up operations to occur during startup where they are intended. I highly doubt there is any way to change this.
You left many things to guess: So you have one servo driving two links, rotational links I assume, axis of rotation parallel, driving gear mounted in the center so one turn CW and the other CCW?
Probably you can calculate an offset??? Or use a program to calculate the path??? -
thats exactly right, but I don't think that offsetting will coordinate the motion of the other axis with the robot, and calculating path? don't quite understand...
Let me know more about the process, Is it welding around pipes, straight or helicoidal motion?? What exactly you need to with the robot, positioner??
yes its welding around a piped object but its not straight. I need a coord motion between the axis that positions the piped object and the robot, the problem is that the main positioner axis turns a main gear that turns 2 parallel axis on which each one has the piped object on.
the main issue is that with the same servo turns two different axis so I cant have both calibrated for coord motion at the same time... -
I would like to have a confirmation if it is possible to activate anorher group using the same motor /servo if it is possible then that could be my only chance