Motosim free download?

  • Hello, I don't know if you'll find one. We have a USB key for the software to work. I know there is a way with some dongle but I'm not familiar with that.

  • Hello, I don't know if you'll find one. We have a USB key for the software to work. I know there is a way with some dongle but I'm not familiar with that.

    As far as I know, the hardkey act as a hardware, and it has to stay attached to computer if you want motosim to function. There is an option to stick it into de server but even that way it will function only on one computer at a time.

  • hi. my question is if there is a possibility to run the programs made in motosim directly from the usb stick, without being copied to tp. thank you.

    No. The jobs would have to loaded into the controller to run.

    I know a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two. Don't even ask about a third thing. I won't know it.

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