After reconfiguring post the files iosys.log and pfbms.log (don't post screenshots!, post the files).
I attached the ini and the log files. I hope you can help me.(i saved it after reconfig)
Thanks in advance!:)
After reconfiguring post the files iosys.log and pfbms.log (don't post screenshots!, post the files).
I attached the ini and the log files. I hope you can help me.(i saved it after reconfig)
Thanks in advance!:)
The pfbms.log show's normal start from the Master CP. No errors. Say's nothing about slaves....
iosys.log show's 1 Byte Input mapped.
In a picture from the NCM-Manager, it shows mapping from 32Byte INPUTS and OUTPUTS.
INB0=3,0,x32 ;$IN[1]-$IN[256]
OUTB0=3,0,x32 ;$OUT[1]-$OUT[256]
Maybe, you have seen this doc:
Turck uses a Plug-in module from EXOR. Has no Hardware-DIP-Switches for Mac-ID.
In the NCM-configuration, you use MAC-ID 3 for the modul.
You're sure, the modul has MAC-ID 3 ?
Wired hardware really correct?
Try to change the line in pfbms.ini to:
But if it is true, that the Turck Panel uses the EXOR hardware, then I doubt that you will be successfull with controling the panel with the Kuka bot. Had a short look onto the documentation of EXOR, they use a special FB for communication to the panel. So I think the panel will use a higher protocol, not only I/O. But Kuka Profibus only supports simple I/O protocol.
Edit: After reading some sheets from Turck: It may be possible that you must configure the display with Codesys before using the profibus module.
Thanks for your help sjx hermann !
I attached the files again. I changed everything what you told me. Change the mode id in TX_VIsual pro(As you said hermann i have to configure firstly in the turck system which is visual pro).If you would like to use turck, u have to write the program in codesys, but the visualization and the dp slave communication side is in the visu pro.
The pfbms.log show's normal start from the Master CP. No errors. Say's nothing about slaves....
iosys.log show's 1 Byte Input mapped.
I write in what you advice me and now its correct!(see in the attachment)
i reconfig everything again and the robot write me the same problem.
I contacted the turck, if we set everything up with them and the system still doesn't work, I'll be forced to contact KUKA...
i am blessed for your help guys and thank you for not giving up!
Maybe you have to go a step back....
In such a situation, I usually test the KUKA side first with a test.
I'm doing a project where I connect master and slave of the CP5614.
Then i am sure that I have no hardware or driver problems on KUKA side. Cable will also be tested.
You can do it by exchanging the moduls in the NCM Project and activate the slave in the pfbms.ini.
exchange the adress in iosys.ini to 127
Display MoreMaybe you have to go a step back....
In such a situation, I usually test the KUKA side first with a test.
I'm doing a project where I connect master and slave of the CP5614.
Then i am sure that I have no hardware or driver problems on KUKA side. Cable will also be tested.
You can do it by exchanging the moduls in the NCM Project and activate the slave in the pfbms.ini.
exchange the adress in iosys.ini to 127
Dear sjx,
I am getting losing my faith!
I tried to do a new project where the robot(CP5614) is a slave and the hmi plc is the master(as you said try to exchanging the moduls), but i got in my mind the profibus dp module is a plug in slave modul which can't be a master that's why i cant exchange them...
I hope i understand right what you advice me. If don't, would you explain it better?
Thanks is advance!
SJX made a different approach.
Make a connection from Master connector to Slave connector on Robot. Then configure the robot as master to the slave part of the robot.
The HMI is not used at this test configuration. It is only a test if cabling and principle work flow of configuring is correct.
I tried to do a new project where the robot(CP5612) is a slave and the hmi plc is the master(as you said try to exchanging the moduls), but i got in my mind the profibus dp module is a plug in slave modul which can't be a master that's why i cant exchange them...
CP5612? I'm not aware that KUKA ever used that card -- KRC1s and KRC2s used the CP5613 (rarely) or CP5614 (usually). What card does your robot have installed? The "stock" CP5612 from Siemens, as I recall, is a single-port card.
As I understand it, a Profibus port cannot operate as Master and Slave at the same time. Hence why the CP5614 has two ports -- one acts as a Master, the other as a Slave. If your Profibus card has only one port, I don't think there is any way to accomplish what you are attempting.
CP5612? I'm not aware that KUKA ever used that card -- KRC1s and KRC2s used the CP5613 (rarely) or CP5614 (usually). What card does your robot have installed? The "stock" CP5612 from Siemens, as I recall, is a single-port card.
As I understand it, a Profibus port cannot operate as Master and Slave at the same time. Hence why the CP5614 has two ports -- one acts as a Master, the other as a Slave. If your Profibus card has only one port, I don't think there is any way to accomplish what you are attempting.
I am so sorry SkyeFire, i write it wrong. its CP5614.. Others knew it because we are discussed it many times earlier, but i appreciate your help.
SJX made a different approach.
Make a connection from Master connector to Slave connector on Robot. Then configure the robot as master to the slave part of the robot.
The HMI is not used at this test configuration. It is only a test if cabling and principle work flow of configuring is correct.
Thanks hermann for your explanation, it looks like I'm still in my infancy with the configuration... I will test it!
Dear Forum,
I find tihs pdf, which I hope will help a lot to everybody(How to make profibus communication)…50410083344.pdf
To this topic:
In this pdf describe in details too(side 130 in pdf) how to make that test configuration what you told to me hermann and sjx. The terminator in master side is on and the terminator in slave side is off. I run that transfer configurator program and make a transfer entry(side 131) and modify iosys.ini-> pfbms and pfbms.ini, but i don't understand clearly how should i make it properly.
I attached the necessary documents (which hermann teached to me )
Logs show we got some error, which the pdf shows too, but does not describe the solution.
I hope you can help me what i am doint wrong!:( Thanks in advance guys!
The terminator in master side is on and the terminator in slave side is off. I run that transfer configurator program and make a transfer entry(side 131) and modify iosys.ini-> pfbms and pfbms.ini, but i don't understand clearly how should i make it properly.
On each end of the Profibus the terminator must be on. So if you only have a connection from master to slave of the robot on master AND slave terminator has to be on.
Don't use mapping, set MAPPING_USED to 0. With mapping you multiply the fault sources (I never ever used mapping).
Use following entry in iosys.ini for connecting I/O in both directions.
In pfbms.ini [SLAVE] section setting
makes slave connection more robust.
Post your NCM-Manager project.
Wow hermann, really appreciate your help!
I am going to change every value to that what you write to me. 1 more thing what i don't understand.
sjx told me this earlier:
You can do it by exchanging the moduls in the NCM Project and activate the slave in the pfbms.ini.
exchange the adress in iosys.ini to 127
And now you advice too this to me. Although the pdf advice the transfer configuration, then it doesn't necessary for us. I attach the NCM managger ldb file, but i couldn't exchange the moduls, because the gsd file which is attached to the NCM managger project can be slave only.(UniOP) Can you help me how should i exchange them? As i understand i should exhange the UniOP to CP 5612A2(but as i said it can be slave only ) or should i add a slave CP5614 modul and delete the UniOP slave?
Everything what i have done was good. The error came from the HMI PLC. As is said earlier it has a visualization program(TX VisuPro), where we just run the program and all KRC error just disappeared... Thanks for your help guys, i will watch the comments and if i can help too i will!!!
Hey guys to stay on topic im gonna ask my question here.
I am running into some problems when trying to send valuables from my KR2C robotcontroller to my PLC DataBlock. I got it to work with sending byte's however when i try to send word bytes I dont recieve any signals from my KR2C to my PLC.
I have attached my iosys.ini file down below im using OUTW*=2,0,x1 and then I try to activate the outputs 65 to 80 on my robotcontroller, but when I monitor it on my PLC the values in my DataBlock dont change... Im using a Functionblock to transfer the input signal to my DataBlock with this code: "Word_Test":="ProfiBus".Test_Word; can anyone maby give me some clearification to what im doing wrong? I also tried it with a MoveBlock but that also didnt work. Im using a s1200 siemens PLC.
Kind regards and thankyou in andvance!
; IOSYS.INI - Configuration file for the IO-System
; For configuration help go to the end of this file.
; ATTENTION !!!! Since V5.0 Build13 we have removed the DeviceNet
; driver "dndrv.o". Now you have to use the driver
; "dn2drv.o" and the appropriate syntax (form 2)
INB0=0 ;$IN[1-8]
INB1=1 ;$IN[9-16]
;OUTB0=0 ;$OUT[1-8]
;OUTB1=1 ;$OUT[9-16]
;OUTB2=2 ;$OUT[17-24]
;slave outputs
;OUTB0=3,0,x2 $OUT[1-16]
;OUTB2=4,0,x2 $OUT[17-32]
;OUTB4=4,0,x2 $OUT[33-64]
OUTB0=5,0,x1 ;$OUT[81-88]
OUTB1=5,1,x1 ;$OUT[89-96]
;INB2=2,0,x1 ;$IN[17-24]
;OUTB2=2,0,x1 ;$OUt[17-24]
;INW3=2,4,x1 ;$IN[25-40]
OUTW8=2,0,x1 ;$OUT[65-80]
;Valid entries have the following formats.
;Arguments in squared brackets are optional.
;If nothing else is mentioned, arguments are decimal.
;Digital Inputs and Outputs:
; Form 1:
; {token}{offset}={byte}[,{multip}]
; {token} INB (byte), INW (word), INDW (double word)
; {offset} byte offset of robot IO System (0..m)
; {byte} byte offset over all peripheral devices (0..m)
; Offset starts with 0 at the first device and
; ends with m at the end of the last device.
; {multip} creats n dataobjects of {token}
; Example:
; OUTW4=2,x3
; Three words of the periphery, starting at byte 2,
; are mapped to the outputs 33-80.
; Form 2:
; {token}{offset}={address},{byte}[,{multip}]
; {offset} byte offset of robot IO System
; {address} address of a peripheral device (0..m)
; driver specific information, see descr. below
; {byte} byte offset at this peripheral device (0..m)
; Offset starts with 0 at the every device
; driver specific information, see descr. below
; {multip} creats n dataobjects of {token}
; Example:
; INW4=10,0,x2
; Two words of the peripheral device with address 10 and
; up from byte 0 are mapped to the inputs 33-80.
;Analog Inputs and Outputs:
; Form 1:
; {token}{num}={byte},{res},{type}[,CAL{factor}]
; {token} ANIN or ANOUT
; {num} number of the analog channel (1..i)
; {byte} byte offset over all peripheral devices (0..m)
; Offset starts with 0 at the first device and
; ends with m at the end of the last device.
; {res} resolution of the analog value (number of bits)
; {type} type of analog value
; 0 : right justified without sign
; 1 : right justified with sign
; 2 : left justified without sign
; 3 : left justified with sign
; {factor} maximum analog value, decimal without prefix,
; hexadec. with prefix 0x or octal with prefix 0
; "CAL 0" or no entry sets factor to its maximum
; Example:
; ANIN1=10,12,3
; The analog input No.1 is used. The byte offset on
; peripheral side is 10, the resolution is 12 bit and the
; type of analog value is 3 (left justified with sign).
; The maximum binary analog value is 2047.
; Form 2:
; {token}{num}={address},{byte},{res},{type}[,CAL{factor}]
; {token} ANIN or ANOUT
; {num} number of the analog channel (1..i)
; {address} address of a peripheral device (0..m)
; driver specific information, see descr. below
; {byte} byte offset at this peripheral device (0..m)
; Offset starts with 0 at the every device
; driver specific information, see descr. below
; {res} resolution of the analog value (number of bits)
; {type} type of analog value
; 0 : right justified without sign
; 1 : right justified with sign
; 2 : left justified without sign
; 3 : left justified with sign
; {factor} maximum analog value, decimal without prefix,
; hexadec. with prefix 0x or octal with prefix 0
; "CAL 0" or no entry sets factor to its maximum
; Example:
; ANIN3=30,0,16,2,CAL 0x6C00
; The analog input No.3 is used. The device address is 30,
; the byte offset at this device is 0, the resolution is
; 16 bit and the type of analog value is 2 (left justified
; without sign). The maximum binary analog value is 27648.
; The CAL-factor is especially required in case of using
; Profibus analog modules.
;[MFC] MFC-IO with KRC1 / CAN-IO-Modul with KRC2
; Entries in form 1
;[INTERBUS/INTERBUSPCI] Interbus Phoenix Mast./Slave Cu/LWL
; Entries in form 1
; $IN/OUT[n_1]=(n+1)*8-7
; $IN/OUT[n_8]=(n+1)*8
;[DEVNET] DeviceNet on the KUKA MFC
; Entries in form 2 for driver dn2drv.o
; {address}=DeviceNet MACID
;[DNSC1] DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 1
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = DeviceNet slave MACID
; {address} = MACID of CH1 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH1
;[DNSC2] DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 2
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = DeviceNet slave MACID
; {address} = MACID of CH2 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH2
;[DNSC3] DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 1
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = DeviceNet slave MACID
; {address} = MACID of CH1 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH1
;[DNSC4] DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 2
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = DeviceNet slave MACID
; {address} = MACID of CH2 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH2
;[DNSC5] DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 1
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = DeviceNet slave MACID
; {address} = MACID of CH1 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH1
;[DNSC6] DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 2
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = DeviceNet slave MACID
; {address} = MACID of CH2 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH2
;[PBMASL] ProfiBus Siemens Master/Slave CP5614
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = Slave DP-address
; {address} = 127 ==> Slave part of CP5614
;[DSEIO] Digital inputs/outputs for KR C3A
; Entries in form 1
;[CNKE1] ControlNet 1784PCIC LP-Elektronik
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = ConNo
; {byte} = additional offset
;[CNKE2] ControlNet 1784PCIC LP-Elektronik
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = ConNo
; {byte} = additional offset
;[VIO] inputs/outputs for Virtual IO driver over TCP/IP
; Entries in form 1
;[O2I] inputs/outputs for 'output to input for software developers'
; Entries in form 1
;[IOLINKING] Outputs follow inputs
; Special form:
; $OUT[{bitoffset}]=$IN[{bitoffset}]
; {bitoffset} Bit(!)offset in the robot I/O-System,
; starting with 1 (1..MAXIO)
; Example: $OUT[512]=$IN[401]
; In this case output nr. 512 (bit 8 of byte 63)
; is linked to input nr. 401 (bit 1 of byte 50)
; Notes:
; IOLINKING means outputs follow inputs in the robot
; I/O-system (within ipo-cycle), regardless if they
; are mapped to drivers.
; Port ranges cannot be specified, each bit must be
; linked by itself.
; Only a maximum of MAX_IOLINKS can be configured (set
; in progress.ini, if this value is increased, robot
; functionality cannot be guaranteed!).
; 04/02/02 section [IOLINKING] added
Display More
so you are using profibus and robot is slave.
then you map more signals to block that robot sends but... did you make same change on the PLC side (master?)
Im sorry but I dont really understand your question, I have given the signals the adresses as shown in the picture in TIA portal if that helps anything
you have a small garage that can be used to park VW Golf.
then your wife rents an RV and tries to park it in the same spot.
garage is data block size that your PLC is capable of receiving
RV is data block that your robot is sending
if you want garage (plc) to accept larger vehicles (data packets), you need to so some construction work on the receiving end too , it is not enough to just to send larger vehicle (data block).
your plc code is assuming that data would be at some address (space not yet available). even though the fieldbus driver (PLC side) did not "open the door" wide enough
Thankyou for your explenation that makes a lot more sense now! Do you know where I have to make these adjustments in TIA portal?
hardware configuration of course
I have connected everything with each other in the hardware configuration.