I would like to show on HMI the actual state of key in controller. Is it possible to get any output to PLC that robot is in T1/T2 or Auto mode?
I am using M710-iC-50 Robot and R30-iB Controller. It is welding process.
T1/T2/Auto - confirmation to PLC
sklimosz -
March 29, 2017 at 10:03 AM -
Thread is Resolved
In robot with R-30iB you can check SOP input 8 and 9 and set digital output to PLC or HMI accordingly.
I see that SOP 8 =ON and SOP9=ON is Automode etc. but I do not know how to rewrite this SOP to Digital Output. Can you explain it to me?
Ok. One more question. In this solution I will have information about state of key only after this line will be done during work. I have robot as slave and PLC as master. So I need to set this SI8 SI9 all the time, not only when program cross this line. Also if robot will be waiting for some program and I change state of key to another position I wont have this information in PLC until it wll cross this line in program. I can't translate my thought to english as I would like to. I am sorry about it. If u can't understand I try onece again.
Or maybe there is some type of program which is working all the time in background? It would be some solution. -
You can put this code into BG logic (Setup -> BG logic) and it will run constantly...
Goto menù--> system --> config
There you can set output for T1/T2/Automatic/etc...
Goto menù--> system --> configThere you can set output for T1/T2/Automatic/etc...
Nice one
Didn't know about it.
Goto menù--> system --> configThere you can set output for T1/T2/Automatic/etc...
Is there something else to do except setting:
31 Signal to set in AUTO mode DO[22] - in my case.
Because I did it and there is no reaction at all in Digital Output [22]. -
Is there something else to do except setting:
31 Signal to set in AUTO mode DO[22] - in my case.
Because I did it and there is no reaction at all in Digital Output [22].Sorry, you're doing something wrong, this works for sure
Where are you checking if DO[22] is ON or OFF?
Are you sure that someone else is not writing DO[22]? -
Sorry, you're doing something wrong, this works for sure
Where are you checking if DO[22] is ON or OFF?
Are you sure that someone else is not writing DO[22]?
I am checking it in Menu->I/O->Digital.
I am sure that nothing more is writting DO[22], because I used free DO. If this has to work then I will try it tomorrow with other empty DO[xx].
Thanks -
I thought that was one of the assignments where you have to put power off and on before it works.
I thought that was one of the assignments where you have to put power off and on before it works.
Yes, I have just checked it and you are right. Power off and on helped. -
exactly as said above, you can use MENU - System - Config to set the DO signals that the robot will control automatically - not only for AUTO/T1/T2, but also for other conditions like E-Stop, Override = 100%, simulated IOs etc.
You might want to check the MENU - IO - F1 [Type] - Cell IO - you can set a few more signals out there...EDIT:
PM me for help in Polish
What do you do when after setting them and cycled power, they still do not work? Worse yet they operate there old values but still have the new ones in the configuration.
You can use also
if ($MSKKEY=3) Then DO[ Auto] = ON
if ($MSKKEY=2) Then DO[ T2] = ON
if ($MSKKEY=1) Then DO[ T1] = ON