Hello I need to implement a reaction in program on specific alarm on the Kuka in Sps. Is there any possibility? I need to check of alarm number is what I was waiting for, and then start program (no motion prog).
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Hello I need to implement a reaction in program on specific alarm on the Kuka in Sps. Is there any possibility? I need to check of alarm number is what I was waiting for, and then start program (no motion prog).
Sent from my XT1572 using Tapatalk
What is the source of this alarm? How are you monitoring for it?
Also, read the READ FIRST sticky topic at the top of the forum.
hello, the software is 8.3, alarm was supposed to come from robot itself , so messages generated by the system. I managed to do that so I will share in case anybody else need it.
So I put in sps such code:
if messege_check==true THEN
message_count = Get_MsgBuffer (Message_buffer[])
FOR n=1 TO message_count
SWITCH Message_buffer[n].type
if ( Message_buffer[n].NR == 'B0000010001101011') then ; the code for the allarm
; do sth here e.g. call a subprogram
messege_check = FALSE
IF ($T1 and not $STOPMESS) THEN
messege_check = TRUE
where variables used are:
DECL GLOBAL MSGBUF_T Message_buffer[100]
DECL GLOBAL INT message_count=0
I hope it will help to diagnose as it did in my case.