Payload config malfunction

  • Hello,

    I have a few custom tools installed. They weight around 1 Kg (I might be 10% off in my estimation of the weight, but not more)
    If I set the current payload in the Initialization screen and then press the freedrive button, it starts moving like it is trying to counteract a much heavier weight, having to hold it or emergency-stop it.
    Is anybody else having this kind of problem? Am I doing something wrong?

  • If it's a long tool, then the configured length / center of gravity might have something to do with it.

    That said, people always get really technical about calculating the payload. My technique: press freedrive. If it takes off toward the sky, payload is set too heavy. If it takes off toward the ground, payload is too light.

    Once it doesn't move, then press freedrive and move the robot up and down with your hand - you'll have the payload value correct when it takes the same amount of force to move it up and down.

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