Battery Alarm

  • Hello,

    On Dedicated Output Signals there is an option "Battery Alarm". This option will alarm you when the battery need to be changed?

    For example Dedicated Signal 2500 and into a background program will have something like:

    IF SIG(2500) THEN
    $message1 = "Please change the battery."
    IFPWPRINT 1,1,1,2,7 = $message1

  • I've never used it......but there are only 2 batteries in an E Controller, so it must be tied to one or both of them...........

    If your feeling brave...........I accept no liability..............
    - Disconnect the encoder battery and see if it triggers your command (encoder battery usually has a dedicated warning error -W)
    - Remove the Coin Cell battery from the 1TA/1VA Board and see if it triggers your command.

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