low memory

  • HI,

    we have R 30iA controller and the application is hemming.

    We are facing problem of less memory.
    When we try to load the TP program, it does not get load.
    No message is displayed on Tpendent.
    When I checked the moemory of the controller it showa only 70KB left out of 2 MB.
    The no of TP and Karel programa are 90 only.
    I do not know how this happened.

    Can anybody help me out.


  • Hi
    I checked them.
    There are 87 TP programs which occupy only 190 KB
    Only 01 PC file occupying 8KB
    15 VR files occupying 50 KB
    12 SV files with 220 KB

    but in the attached screen short memory shown is more.But when I try to load the program(TP or PC) it says fail to load file.


  • Is there any more specific reason for the loading error given by the controller? Or you just assume that it's lack of memory?
    Have you tried to download a program, which is already proven to work on the robot and then loading it back again?

  • Hi,
    The program which is already working again tried to relaod but says cant laod file.
    I have checked in File it is selected MD.

    Do I have to make a Init start.


  • we have 5 fanuc robots. and there is one of them that we see perm gets reduced over time. every 3 months we do an init start when the perm drops to 90ish. everything begins to freeze around then. do an all of the above backup, then init start, reload everything in a controlled start, then we are back up to 190ish with perm

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