mitsubishi rv 1a robot and MELFA CR1-571 Controller problem

  • Hi every one
    I am trying to control mitsubishi rv 1a robot using c# (MELFA CR1-571 Controller)

    I know that there are two type of robot language (MELFA-BASIC IV & MOVEMASTER)

    in MELFA-BASIC IV I tried following code to Initialize connection:

    SerialPort _SerialPort = new SerialPort();
    _SerialPort.PortName = combo_Port_Name.Text;
    _SerialPort.BaudRate = Convert.ToInt16(combo_Port_CommSpeed.Text);
    _SerialPort.DataBits = Convert.ToInt16(combo_Port_DataBit.Text);
    _SerialPort.StopBits = (StopBits)Enum.Parse(typeof(StopBits), combo_Port_StopBit.Text);
    _SerialPort.Parity = (Parity)Enum.Parse(typeof(Parity), combo_Port_Parity.Text);

    _SerialPort.Write("1;1;OPEN=usertool" + "\r");
    _SerialPort.Write("1;1;Cntlon" + "\r");
    _SerialPort.Write("1;1;Srvon" + "\r");

    I expected to recieve QoK from serial port and servo turned on

    but that didn't happened

    is there any wrong in my code????

    and if i need to control robot using MOVEMASTER what are commands to Initialize connection????

    thanks to all

    the serial port parameters as datasheet
    connection speed = 9600
    Data Bit = 8
    Stop Bits = 2
    Parity = even

  • Hello,

    Unfortunately I can't help, I only have a question...
    Can you please tell me where you got Melfa Basic IV


    I am not sure that I understood your question

    I am not using Melfa software
    I just using c# to send commands to cr1-571 controller (which contains builtin Functions (MELFA-BASIC IV or MOVEMASTER) )

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