Hello, today I have encountered one big problem. I have changed power scource to another and now getting this error(attched 2'nd photo).
The worst part I have no accsess to the user interface.
KSS 8.2
Hello, today I have encountered one big problem. I have changed power scource to another and now getting this error(attched 2'nd photo).
The worst part I have no accsess to the user interface.
KSS 8.2
unplug smartPad from controller. connect external monitor, keyboard and mouse to kuka PC in the controller then power up....
this should allow you to do diagnostics, check other messages etc.
Hello, thanks for advice. Yesterday I was a bit scared because we changed the power connection before this error.
Now I just unpluged SmartPad and pluged right back in - everything works.
there i still one acknowlage message left(attached) maybe someone knows what it means?
SION (safety i/o node)
KCP (Kuka control panel... smartPad in this case)
red icon messages mean:
problem was there (in case you missed it) but if you are ok with it, just press acknowledge and we can move on.
that is why we tell people to read manuals:
Well, I read and know about messages types, but just wanted to know if it's serious or not as I messed with power suplly.
everything seems to be working fine.
Anyways thank you a lot.
User interface is inactive please touch the screen