I wish to ask if anyone can offer any help on a matter that occur with a robot KR240 L180 KRC2 ed 2005 when define a BASE .
I mean, a BASE 1 is defined in the workspace as indicated in the picture (left side one). Sending tool in that zero point tip of tool reach exactly in Base origin as I represented it in the scketch. When BASE 1 is redefined in same point only changing orientation of axis, sending tool in zero tool reach close of origin with error of 10 mm, maybe more on z and y direction.
Robot software is KSS 5.2.19.
First , mastering was checked and robot has been remastered for sure. Positiononig error still maintain even after this new remastering.
Machine.dat was checked and is all right.
Robcor.dat could have a role in this matter?
What else could generate such an error?
Thank you.