I see in the config.dat there is STRUC variable with a bunch of properties that is being used in the .src files. How do I modify that on the pendant?
How do I edit the contents of a STRUC variable?
ashwinmudigonda -
August 25, 2016 at 4:16 PM -
Thread is Resolved
I would say...Not recommended.
May I know why you would want to do that?
What are the Struct in specific which you want to change?
Are they under User Defined variables comment?
It is a STRUC called Pallet and it has a property called prePickOffset that is set to 300mm. I need to drop that value down to 100. I believe it is a user defined STRUC
If you're using the PalletTech option package, there ought to be a menu for that. The manual should describe it.
To edit the variable directly, as long as you're logged in under User Group Expert or higher, you can Open $CONFIG.DAT and edit the variable without any issues.
Thanks! that helped. The variable was wrapped in a FOLD. I was able to modify it.