FTP usage

  • Is there any information out there concerning Kuka and using a free FTP software to put files inside the D: drive?

    I have the drive mapped on my PC but would like to use FTP software.

    Also how do you change the username/password of the shared folder in kuka?

    KRC4, 8.3.16

  • If you're creating shared folders on the KRC's D:\ drive, setting up the user/password for them is exactly the same as on any Windows system. Tampering with the administrator account would be inadvisable, but additional user-level accounts could probably be created.

    As for FTP... well, you would have to install, configure, and run an FTP server on the KRC. Probably possible, but it's only ever going to have access to the hard drive, never the /R1 RAMDrive tree. And while it probably would not be a major issue, there's no way to gaurantee that the FTP server might not interfere with anything system-critical.

    Leaving FTP ports open also creates security risks that have to be managed.

  • Does kuka offer FTP software like other robot manufactures? If not Typically how does one throw program files to the controller or D: drive "I'm using directory loader" without a flash drive or mapping the network drive?

  • Why not just use the FTP commands inherent to the Windows command prompt? There's no need for first or third party software when it's already handled by Windows. Also, if the D: drive is made publicly available in Windows, you can also simply drag and drop files with the Windows Explorer.

  • Does kuka offer FTP software like other robot manufactures? If not Typically how does one throw program files to the controller or D: drive "I'm using directory loader" without a flash drive or mapping the network drive?

    Wait, where does "I'm using directory loader" come into play here? That looks like 2-3 sentences mashed together.

    The DirLoader allows you to remotely load modules directly into the system RAMDrive, which is the drive the robot actually runs from. Without the DirLoader, Files SMB'd or FTP'd to, say, a directory on the D:\ drive still have to be manually copy&pasted into the RAMDrive using the teach pendant file explorer.

  • Wait, where does "I'm using directory loader" come into play here? That looks like 2-3 sentences mashed together.

    The DirLoader allows you to remotely load modules directly into the system RAMDrive, which is the drive the robot actually runs from. Without the DirLoader, Files SMB'd or FTP'd to, say, a directory on the D:\ drive still have to be manually copy&pasted into the RAMDrive using the teach pendant file explorer.

    Just stating I will be using DirLoader, I just need a way to put programs in a folder on the D: drive with out usb stick.

  • Well...

    You can simply create a shared folder on D drive and change the permission of the folder to allow access. Then, if you have already configured IP on the robot in the same subnet of your network then you can always access that folder using one of the below-mentioned paswords:

    • WinXPe 1.0 User name = Administrator Password = KUKA
    • WinXPe 1.1 (VKSS 5.4) User name = Administrator Password = KUKA
    • WinXPe 2.0 (KSS 5.2, KSS 5.3, KSS 5.4, KSS 5.5, KSS 5.6 and KSS 7.0) User name = Administrator Password = KUKA
    • WinXPe 2.2 (from KSS 5.2.19 Build85 HF03, KSS 5.5 and KSS 5.6) User name = Administrator Password = kukarobxpe2
    • WinXpe 3.0 (KSS 8.0, KSS 8.1, KSS 8.2) User name = Administrator Password = 68kuka1secpw59
    • WES7 4.0 (KSS 8.3) User name = KukaUser Password = 68kuka1secpw59

    I hope this will help you.


  • Just stating I will be using DirLoader, I just need a way to put programs in a folder on the D: drive with out usb stick.

    So, what you're really doing is:
    1. Using DirLoader to load modules from D:\
    2. Trying to use the network to place those modules on D:\

    If you had explained that from the beginning, we'd be much further along now.

    Sharing a Directory on the D:\ drive works exactly like sharing a directory under Windows. Probably simplest to stick with the default KUKAUSER login. Once you've set up that folder on the D drive and shared it with read/write permissions, you can log into it remotely via SMB just like on any Windows computer.
    The one thing you'll need to watch is that you're not trying to remotely manipulate that directory at the same time that the DirLoader is attempting to read from it.

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