Cursor in Teach mode

  • Hi!
    Usually, all robots have a cursor indicator when you program in teach mode (like a @ in Fanuc, or robot icon in ABB).
    Do you know if it exists in the Yaskawa robots?
    I know it's possible to see it in Play o Remote mode ....but not in teach mode....


  • Thanks for your answer 95devils.
    Now i working with DX200 and i don't see any cursor when i work in teach mode.
    ¿This is a option or parameter not enable, maybe?

  • Ok, the cursor is the black rectangle on line 10. If you go into teach you should have the black cursor on line 10.

    The blue cursor highlighting the WAIT IG#(8)<>0 tells me a user parameter has been turned on. Can't remember the proper name for the parameter. Something like twin cursor in Play mode. The purpose of the twin cursors is if you go back into teach, and move the cursor, one cursor shows you where you are. The other cursor shows where the controller left off. When you restart the system if the twin cursors aren't on the same line a box pops up and shows what job and line the black cursor is on and what job and line the blue cursor is on. You answer a question as to which cursor position you what to restart with.

    It's meant to prevent you from leaving the cursor on the wrong line and possible causing a wreck.

    I know a thing or two, because I’ve seen a thing or two. Don't even ask about a third thing. I won't know it.

  • Exact 95devils
    The blue cursor appears only in Play mode, and indicates the position of the robot. This is a S2C parameter
    In teach mode, the black square indicates the line on which we are working, but not the position of the robot. If I change the cursor (black) position to another line to modify any line, I don't have anything to tell me what position is the pointer. So I can not know which line is the robot program. ABB and FANUC indicate this ....
    I asked to Yaskawa technician :fine:, here at the factory, but does not know ....

  • Hi marwec
    Thanks for your answer, but the S2C0437 param only remark when you are in play or remote mode.
    Not in Teach mode....

    I tried this long ago.....

  • in teach mode i do not know a way to see where the program cursor was. the only thing you can see is if you move the cursor if its blinking. if it is stable that mens that the robot is on that specific position. works only on move commands.

  • Hi.

    That function is called double cursor function,

    The purpose of the function is that when you are running a program in Play Mode if you stop the robot will indicate the line that the robot was running when you stopped, if you move the cursor manually in teach through the program you will know where the robot stopped and if you want to restart in another different line the robot will ask if you are sure. is a protection to avoid mistakes. If you dont have enabled this function, the only way to see the cursor in teach is if its blinking the robot is not in the command posistion, if not its blinking you are in the command position. But I know if you stopped in the middle of a command position your lost. but hey decrease your speed.


    Hero for fun, I'll help you when I'm bored.

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