hi everyone
i am working with Krc4 -V8.2.27. i just want to know :
is there a way except X44-EtherCAT for receiving digital out put from Krc4 ,for example X11 or other pin?
TNX for any advise.
another way to I/O mapping at KRC4
ak -
July 6, 2016 at 4:36 PM -
Thread is Resolved
X11 is safety interface, not standard I/O that you are looking for.
you have several options to add I/O to your robot. the most convenient way is to use Kuka Expansion Bus (X44 on CCU) which is free, but you can use ProfiNet or EthernetIP (paid options). -
dear panic mode
many thanks for taking time and kindly reply. -
Hi dear panic
just something more!
my controller(Krc4 standard) has already set to EK1100 and EL2809 , EL1809 and else before i got it.but i have another terminals included EL1008 and EL2008 right now. so can i change the configuration of them without Workvisual? for instance on the following path at the KSS:
Display>Input/output> I/O drivers>Reconfiguration
actually i have not the WV at this time . asking for that but it will taking time to get it and the project should be ran ASAP.
your advise would be appreciated. -
Isn't WorkVisual free? If you don't have it, just send email to KUKA.
WV Is on the robot and its free its on the D drive
Yep... wov is free. And modifying io configuration is quite simple....