missing arc start confirm alarm 9001 - DX100 Controller

  • Good Morning,

    I'm working with a robot motoman for CMT welding processes. I want to make work layer by layer using cycles "while", however after the robot has made some welding spots the message "confirm alarm start missing arc 9001" appears and stops welding. After I reset the alarm again run instruction and after a moment reappears, stopping the process.

    I hope someone can help, thanks. :help: :help:

  • Make sure that the nozzle is not touching the weld, fronius is very sensitive to that. Check your grounding, You can enable the opcion of restart a few times to try to make arc without stoping the process this from the menu of arc axuliar conditions.


    Hero for fun, I'll help you when I'm bored.

  • hola buen dia como habilito la opcion de reinicio para intentar hacer arco sin detener el proceso?

    In the main menu search for Arc Welding > Arc Start Condition and check the box "retry on"

    Then go to Arc Welding > Arc Auxilary Cond and add the number of retries in the first function.

  • hola buen dia mario cinger manejo 2 robots motoman que sueldan chasis de motos me resulto de mucha ayuda lo que me dijiste te agradesco!! aparte de eso me recomendas algun pico especial para la torcha del robot o solo se usa comun?

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