Recently we had a power cut off, with the encoder backup batteries empty, and now the robot needs mastering. The robot has been jogged a lot since then. We tried the "zero position mastering" with the yellow marks on the motors alined after this the movement was not good, the Z axis wasnt vertical and YX werent horizontal also the workspace looked shifted causing limit errors in positions where robot was normally operating. Next, i tried to perform the zero position mastering with the motors alignet symmetrically so they have the same room to move in both directions ( in this setup witness marks alined on 2 of 3 motors, 4th motor is independent and it is responsible for gripper rotation (M1iA model)). In this case Robot movement was close to normal, i created user frame using 3 point method. Now jogging in this frame looks perfectly normal as long as it is in the central area of workspace. When i jog in the -Z direction on the outer side of workspace (near to the limits) the movement will be curved, is it normal? Do i have to search for the factory 0 or can i somehow utilize the current setup and just nivelate any errors by changing frames, limits, or even reteach position. Another strange thing is for example: i have the axis limits set to -70 and 70, and i get limit errors when the axis is at -50.
Thanks for any help in advance