Anyone have a 3d model of a Kuka KR200 SP2 i have looked on Kuka website but no luck (its the GM model)
Anyone have a 3d model of a Kuka KR200 sp2
bmike -
April 10, 2016 at 11:15 PM -
Thread is Resolved
No one has a 3d model they are willing to share?
You didn't say anything about what kind of 3D model -- STL, IGES, Catia/Delmia, ProcessSimulate, RobCAD, KUKA SimPro... the list is darn near endless.
Not to mention, "GM version" means nothing -- the KUKA robots were identical for GM and every other customer. Only the controller software and hardware had any differences.
You're right. In my haste I assumed clairvoyance.
KR200/2 circa 2003. The KR200 on the Kuka site is a newer version and not usable. Yes I've tried getting it from Kuka, but the response rate is about once every 3-4 weeks for any question.
I did get my hands on a KR125 .step file. It's for a delcam powermill robot .mtd file ultimately.
I can convert pretty much anything any which way if its in typical 3d format just no solids (stl, step, iges, .3dm). Better yet someone has a .mtd file!!! I'll take it any way I can get it though. If I had to name it I'd say a step file. Thanks.
Aren't they all on Kuka website? I would normally look for jointed version...
You would think, but it is not. There is a KR200 comp...not the right robot. To find that you have to go under the archive tab. I've looked, extensively.
You can get it from KUKA|prc. It's one of their standard models.
what is "KUKA|prc"?
i am not aware of KR200 models other than KR200 comp, have picture of robot and label? -
Kuka PRC is offline parametric robot programming:
I've attached pictures of the robot.
I made an .mtd file using a kr125 3d.step file. It was giving me all kinds of trouble. Turned out it was the L90 version. Got it working, but now I have to edit the 3d file to reflect having no extension arm and it should be all good.
nice to see that someone keeps documentation in shape...
And knows how to make images Web friendly....
If anyone ever needs them, I have 3dm mesh files for the standard length KR200 sp 2 (2003) and the KR200 sp 2 with 400mm extension arm.
If anyone ever needs them, I have 3dm mesh files for the standard length KR200 sp 2 (2003) and the KR200 sp 2 with 400mm extension arm.Hi Uberdoom, do you still have these files? I couldn't find them on Kuka prc, or the kuka website
Yes, dm me with contact info and your specific robot.