Can you somebody help me on that mater.
Motoman Robot under break down below type of alarm accrued on TP:
ALARM: 200
Please do some think !
Can you somebody help me on that mater.
Motoman Robot under break down below type of alarm accrued on TP:
ALARM: 200
Please do some think !
What is the model of the robot?
I have some old manuals on paper and see if I can serve you and send a photo of this error with the solution.
Alarm Message Cause Remedy
0200 Fault (parameter) Parameter file total check error Initialize the parameter again
Thanks For comment All !
Please not down robot & Controller specifications: TYPE-ERCS-SK6-ME00, SYSTEM N0-112101,Serial N0-980530,Robot Serial N0-S8M932-1-10 ,Part No-349011
Please guide me how can i do that alarm rectify.
It sounds like the RC parameters have been scrambled. You will need to go into MAINTENANCE MODE and reinitialize these parameters.
I may be wrong, but I do not think that these Yaskawa parameters are accessible other than in Yaskawa mode. If that's the case, you will need to contact your local Yaskawa representative to come in and initialize them. You can then load in your backups.
Best of luck to you!
Thanks For the reply,
Can you please how can i go throw on maintenance mode And please do you have any service ?
You'll need the high level Yaskawa code.
So how can i found code
Please do you have any service engineer contact please contact with me i need services for motoman robot welding in UAE.
Here is the global contact list for Yaskawa Motoman:
I'm not sure if there is a local distributor in the UAE.
Can you some body help me on below alarm:
Alarm: 200
Fault:RC Robot Parameter
Serial N0: 980530
Robot Serial N0: S8M032-1-10
Part N0: 349011
Made in Sweden
Note: If some one given services on UAE in middle east for our robot installation whatever charge be will provide you.