can you use UOP on RJ3iB controller?

  • We have been setting up multiple robots to load and unload gaging cells. We purchased some rebuilt robots to add to our collection, these are LRMate 200iB robots with RJ3iB controller. Can you use UOP on these controllers? We have some setup this way but they are the R30iA controllers and didnt thing about checking to see if we can set these RJ3iB controllers up the same way? I'm due to receive these robots the end of this week and do not have EDoc's for them yet.


  • Yes, you absolutely can. :justice:

    I am not sure what differences there may be between the iA and iB(I work with a RJ3iB), but it is easy to set up the UOP signals.

  • If your controller are younger that RJ3, there is no difference.

    On older version, the main difference is that's impossible to split the mapping through different i/o (not continuous).

    If it starts well the first time, you have not checked all !

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