Hi all
I want to remote control a KR6 R900 from my laptop (Mac OS X). More specifically, I want mount a camera on the robot (connecting to the laptop via a long USB cable), then analyze the images on the laptop, and from this generate the new positions for the arm.
We have a KR C4 compact controller (KSS V8.3). I have connected the laptop and the C4 with an ethernet cable, plugging it into the X66 port of the C4. The KLI port on the C4 is occupied and there's a cable leading inside the case.
Is X66 the correct port for my endeavor?
Pinging between the laptop and the C4 works fine.
Now, I am not clear on how to proceed on the software side either. I have searched the forums, and it seems like there are (at least) 3 options:
- RSI Ethernet, sending binary data (?)
- Ethernet RSI XML, sending commands in XML data packages
- Ethernet KRL, sending KRL commands (?)
Which of these would you recommend, also in terms of available ease of setup, documentation, example programs, etc.? Then, how can I proceed with the setup?
I have also found a couple of open source implementations which would run on the laptop. One example is "KCT", "KUKA Control Toolbox", which would use Matlab. From what I understand, KUKA switched from TCP to UDP as a transmission protocol in a recent version change, meaning that older software like the KCT is not usable anymore. Is this correct?
Thanks a lot!