cartesian pos to joint postion and vice versa?

  • 1. how to convert a cartesian pos to joint postion? I am have a position in cartesion form I want to convert it to joint postion through software. Is there any function in comau to calculate the joint pos when i give a cartesion pos as input.

    2. How to convert a joint pos to cartesion pos?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hey there,

    in deed there are two build-in functions for this purpose:
    POS_TO_JNTP for cartesian to joint position
    JNTP_TO_POS for joint to cartesian position.

    Check the manual chapter concerning build-in functions. There is a load of other useful functionality already implemented as well.

  • Hey there,

    in deed there are two build-in functions for this purpose:
    POS_TO_JNTP for cartesian to joint position
    JNTP_TO_POS for joint to cartesian position.

    Check the manual chapter concerning build-in functions. There is a load of other useful functionality already implemented as well.

    Hi there,

    I think these instructions are not for R30ib robot controller. Which instructions can be used for these conversions?

  • You can try this tool, developed by Nation.

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