how can i restore the C and D images from the hidden partition of KUKA disk its urgent please!!
restore KUKA images from the hidden partition
bigboss -
November 6, 2015 at 8:42 PM -
Thread is marked as Resolved.
Can anyone give me an image for krc4 compact robot agilus even if its the factory image and thank you!!
use USB recovery stick....
preparation of stick:
1. connect it to your computer
2. run configurator application
3. select SILENT mode
5. click save
6. close configurator
7. click on sys-tray icon to eject USB stick
8. pull the stick out when message is displayed that it is ok to safely remove the stickpreparation of robot:
1. images on hidden partition may not necessarily be of your current KSS. therefore backup important files from D: to your own drive (KSS, tech options, archive, WorkVisual)
2. make current archive
3. select cold start
4. connect usb recovery stick to USB port on the controller (not on smartPad!!!)
5. reboot controller
6. wait until operation is complete (15-20min). note during operation, LED on USB stick will flicker indicating activity. smartPad will power up but not be able to connect to controller (since we booted from USB stick) - that is normal. when operation is complete robot will reboot or go to sleep depending on selected action (when in sleep, smartPad and all fans will go off).
7. finish it - install everything (KSS, tech options), deploy project etc