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A website: Know FANUC alarm codes
linuxsand -
October 20, 2015 at 12:30 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Thank You... Very good Job -
Also you can find here alarm codes for different types:
Link deleted
I have a Fanuc robot and a peculiar problem. It just started yesterday. Whenever I opened up the safety gate and close it and try to restart the operation the robot does not auto start and instead gives an error message" UOP Hold was detected". Please help.Regards
Thank you
what about this site:
Link deleted
Link deleted.
I suppose the search function of that site was powered by Google Custom Search, if people in some countries can not visit google service......
Super useful! Great work!
Wow! Thank you master!
Werner Hampel
August 17, 2019 at 10:45 AM Moved the thread from forum Fanuc Robot Forum to forum Downloads, Manuals, Tools and Freeware for Fanuc Robots (No copyright manuals permitted). -
I just tried it, it works great, thank you very much
Excellent Job
great job, bookmarked for sure. tested the search with some codes i got last week that took a bit of digging on google to find them and the info i found came up instantly using your link. huge time saver.
Is this website no longer live?
All the alarm code sites appear to be down. Not sure if they will come back.
You can lookup alarm codes on Fanuc CRC or on the teach pendant.
You can lookup alarm codes on Fanuc CRC or on the teach pendant.
Ya, I'm aware of the CRC, But I had a little shortcut key tool, for quick lookup, that was built around using the command window function from this website.
oh well.
Site is up. -->
My (virtual) host machine reboot caused this downtime, and I was in vacation.
I configurated this alarm code site starting with operating system now.
Hi, I made this website for searching alarm codes of FANUC robots. Webpage was optimized for mobile browser.
1. normal way: input alarm code, you'll get the description, cause and remedy.
2. command line: curl the way, I also posted a free tool for commenting I/O and registers: /robotforum/thread/15138-comment-tool-based-on-comment-tool/
Life saver, Appriciated.