Hi sir ,
Does anyone have an idea why i cant take a back up and restore files. i have a KRC2 KR210 stone milling robot. i need to restore it because suddenly all files are with X mark and i think some files are corrupted or missing. but i cant restore files. Config.dat, sps.src all of the program are with X and i cannot turn on the Submit interpreter cause it thinks sps is wrong.
thank you i advance.

cannot take a back up and restore files
Emben22 -
August 9, 2015 at 7:45 AM -
Thread is Resolved
What is the error message which you are getting?
Did you check the path by which you can make a restore? Look into KRC configurator and set the path there and then try. Usually, it should be the same as Archive path.
Alternatively You may follow these steps:
1. Login as expert from User Log option.
2. Press (ctrl+esc).
3. You will see the windows environment.
4. Go to C:/ -> KRC -> R1 -> Programme.5. Copy the files or folders you want to backup, and paste the files in desired backup location.
6. You can later use some editors also to view these programs offline. (editor: http://www.orangeapps.de/)
What is the error message which you are getting?Did you check the path by which you can make a restore? Look into KRC configurator and set the path there and then try. Usually, it should be the same as Archive path.
RS this was the error. and also i think its configured to archive and restore at drive f: how can i change that.
where can i find the KRC configurator?Thanks.
Browse to KRCconfigurator.exe:
C>KRC>ROBOTOR>KRC Configurator>KRCConfigurator.exe
The path may be wrong as I am not near to the robot but please try to search in C Drive on the robot and then in KRCconfigurator locate Archive Manager and then you can set the path.
You do not have to restore the archive necessarily in order to recover the robot. You can simply copy the programs in the controller by browsing the KUKA directories in expert mode if you are confident that the programs and .dat files in the backup are good.
Good Luck
The "X" over the program shows you have compulation errors. You will need to clear these up before taking a backup.
1. Do you have a good backup from an older date that you can do a restore from?
2. Once you find a good backup do a restore to get the errors to clear.
3. Sometimes it has taken us 2 or 3 tries before we could get a restore to finish successfully. -
The "X" over the program shows you have compulation errors. You will need to clear these up before taking a backup.1. Do you have a good backup from an older date that you can do a restore from?
2. Once you find a good backup do a restore to get the errors to clear.
3. Sometimes it has taken us 2 or 3 tries before we could get a restore to finish successfully.The backup can be taken anyway even if there are compilation errors on the programs. But Sir, you are right. Its better to have a clean robot programs to avoid any other kind of problems.