Force Message System Variable

  • Anyone know if there is a system variable that controls the mode of the "Force Message" item under system->config? I am trying to write a setup routine and want to turn that off from the default of on.

    Check out the Fanuc position converter I wrote here! Now open source!

    Check out my example Fanuc Ethernet/IP Explicit Messaging program here!

  • Try $AUTOMESSAGE, I found the following information in a variable list document.

    Minimum: 1 Default: 2 Maximum: 3
    KCL/Data: RW Program: RW GET/SET_VAR: RW Data Type: INTEGER
    1 : The "force user screen message function" is disabled.
    2 : (Default) The "force user screen message function" is enabled.
    3 : The "force user screen message function" is enabled only when the teach pendant is disabled.
    Others : As same as 1.
    Power Up: Changes to this variable take effect immediately.
    User Interface Location: SYSTEM variable screen and SYSTEM configuration screen (on the teach pendant)

  • It was from a "2.2 SYSTEM VARIABLE LISTING" Unfortunately I don't know where my colleague got it from. Someone emailed the document to him. I can forward it if you like. It is an older one that doesn't have all the variables.

  • It was from a "2.2 SYSTEM VARIABLE LISTING" Unfortunately I don't know where my colleague got it from. Someone emailed the document to him. I can forward it if you like. It is an older one that doesn't have all the variables.

    Please send it to me also. Thanks.

  • It was from a "2.2 SYSTEM VARIABLE LISTING" Unfortunately I don't know where my colleague got it from. Someone emailed the document to him. I can forward it if you like. It is an older one that doesn't have all the variables.

    Hi Dave

    please can you send me also? thank you

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