Hi guys because my company integrates robots with our machines the same way every time regardless of robot size (typically either a 200iD or a M10iA) I'm looking for an easy way to back up and store basic set up aspects so I can just upload rather than handle these manually.
Specifically I'm looking at things like MODBUS/IP setup, DO/DI addressing, UOP addressing, and the like. I'd also like to keep the saved DO/DI comments and the data that is not positional in our interference check set up.
I already know how to do a full back up image but doesn't this override EVERYTHING? Including options and such?
I've got a lot of automation and robotic experience but am still very new to Fanuc so please pardon my very basic question, I just want to be sure I'm doing this correctly and the most efficient way possible. FYI we do not and probably never will have roboguide unfortunately.