run an external application in krc4

  • Dear all
    I’m going to run an hdmi application from main menu in krc4, finally I did this by add menu in 'smartHMI.exe.config' and now I can run this application and I can see this in internet explorer in windows but my goal was opening page in krc environment do you have any idea about my problem ?
    I hope my explain was clear
    Another request is about softkeybar in krc4; I need to add a bottom for closing and change pages.
    I’m recently work with krc4 and I don't have much experience in work with xml files so it is great if I have any example or documentation about 'smartHMI.exe.config' .
    Thank you for attention

  • I try to do this in KRC2 one year ago, but i'm failed to do this. I think KUKA is an open plateform, so i think many things can implement. You can study how to change the regedit list and how to write a batching script, i think it may help you. Good luck!

  • ... I can run this application and I can see this in internet explorer in windows but my goal was opening page in krc environment do you have any idea about my problem ?
    I hope my explain was clear...

    not clear at all (at least for me). what do you mean by running an external application "in krc environment"?

    1) read pinned topic: READ FIRST...

    2) if you have an issue with robot, post question in the correct forum section... do NOT contact me directly

    3) read 1 and 2

  • There are 3 different categories that I can think of immediately:
    1. Windows application that runs in the robot controller alongside the SmartHMI, but has no interaction with the SmartHMI or KSS, started manually from Windows by minimizing the SmartHMI
    2. Windows application as in #1, but called/started from a menu in the SmartHMI
    3. Windows application as in #1 or #2, but communicates with the SmartHMI and/or KSS

  • I found this , how about it?

    KUKA.PlugInSDK is an expansion for Microsoft Visual Studio. It enables software
    developers to create plug-ins for the KUKA smartHMI.
    KUKA.PlugInSDK expands Microsoft Visual Studio to include the following
     SmartHMI project templates
     SmartHMI class templates
     Additional code snippets

    KUKA Conntroller : _________<br />KSS Software : ____________ <br />Robot Model: _____________

  • I just saw this somewhere , only some texts, no software. from the description, PlugInSDK is for developing plugins within the SmartHMI.

    I think it will be a powerful tools for developers. If someone would get more detail , please share us :icon_smile:

    KUKA Conntroller : _________<br />KSS Software : ____________ <br />Robot Model: _____________

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