Hi all Im trying to set a vkrc2 into a expert mode with xp but dont know the mode. With w95 is easy all you need is a cd with the key file. Any ideas ?????

Expert mode in vkrc2 Xp
trunkcnc -
December 8, 2014 at 10:46 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Hello, trunkcnc.
For VKRC2 ed05 (this one that comes with XP), the procedure is the same, but instead a CD you will use a usb stick. And, if I recall correctly, the keyfiles folder for theese robots should have three files.
Enviado do meu GT-I9505
Thanks massula but mines arent ed05 ?????
Hey, trunkcnc.
If your robot is running Windows XP, so it is a ed05.
But the best way to check this is the VSS version. 3.3.x are for old VKRC2 (with Win95). 5.4.x are for the latest ones (with WinXP).
Enviado do meu GT-I9505
Do u mean that xp can only be running with ed05 cabinets ????
Mines are vkrc 2002-2004 cabinets
Yep. I've heard about someone in a VW plant here in Brazil performing some tests with WinXP in old VKRC2 cabinets. But normally you only run XP on newer ed05 cabinets, because you had some hardware incompatibilities, and so on.
Enviado do meu GT-I9505
Massula we have vw soft in krc2 working. That is not problem. It works fine. The problem now is that we cannot opent expert level
Xp I mean
So, your expert cd isn't working? Or your cd drive? Because, as you wrote some posts ago, all you need is a cd with a folder called Keyfiles, with two text files inside.
Enviado do meu GT-I9505
Hi. I have tryed to get into expert level with a pen drive but it doesnt work. We only have one key file. We have tried with cd room but didnt work neither. The only cd file we have is called key_2.txt. what other file are we missing?
Hello, trunkcnc.For VKRC2 ed05 (this one that comes with XP), the procedure is the same, but instead a CD you will use a usb stick. And, if I recall correctly, the keyfiles folder for theese robots should have three files.
Enviado do meu GT-I9505
Hi massula. What are the others files for setting expert level we need? We have key_2.txt . Do we need any other file? -
Hi, trunkcnc.
Normally, the expert cd for VKRC2 have a keyfiles folder with two files inside: key_1.txt and key_2.txt.
But key_1.txt is intended for VKRC1, so your key_2.txt should work.
Enviado do meu GT-I9505
But, your cd-rom is working fine?
Enviado do meu GT-I9505
Nope. With that file doesnt work. I know that it should but it doesnt
We have tried also with usb pen drive. But no luck neither
By the way our soft version is 5.4.7
VSS 5.4.7 is VKRC2 ed05 software.
The expert mode on this VSS is a little bit tricky.
First, you will need a third file inside your keyfiles folder, called ExternalUserList.config
Second, by default you will need two usb sticks attached to the controller. The first one will be recognized as drive A:. The second one will be recognized as drive E:, and the robot will search for the keyfiles folder in this last one.
If you put only one usb stick, the controller will find only the drive A:.
You can change this configuration after, with KRCCONFIGURATOR, but I don't recomend do this if this robot is still inside a VW plant
Enviado do meu GT-I9505
Brilliant Massula. I havent tryed yet but it makes a lot of sense [emoji3] . Any way is weird that we can run ed05 soft in vkrc2 cabinets. Mfc2 is isa plugged board and ed05 is mfc3 pci. But i swear u that it works. [emoji28] ill post a picture. We deal with used kuka robots and rigth now we re conditioning these vkrc2. They re great machines
I got a used vkrc2 and i found on kuka_data partition 5.4.7 HF5 software.
Can this software can be installed to windows embedded standard or posready 2009 (based on win xp sp3)?
Also can this software installed on other vkrc2 i have with windows 95 (after upgrade to xp)?
I mean if can be installed because of license reasons.
Where is located the key for expert mode? -