Set Position Not Possible on Simulator

  • Here's another weird one.

    I moved my stacking program over to the simulator to test the program offline, and when I tried to run it I got a Security Stop error with the following message:

    'set_pos::step() Real Robot Enabled. set position not possible'

    Then a button on the popup to 'Enable Robot'.

    Anybody ever seen this before? How do I get the simulator to run the program?

  • Hmm, that sounds strange. Is this a CB2 (2nd generation) or CB3 (3rd generation) robot? What version of the software are you running (both robot and simulator)?

  • Yeah, so it looks like it might have just been my simulator. I rebooted the simulator from inside my virtualization software, and now the program runs just fine. Go figure.

    How do I find out what generation my robot is, and what version of the software I'm running?

  • The easiest way to tell what generation robot you have is from the serial number. The fifth number in the serial number will tell you if it's a 2nd generation '2' or a 3rd generation '3'.

    So, say for a CB3 '2014350001', '2014' is the year of manufacture, '3' tells you it's a CB3, '5' tells you it's a UR5 ('0' for UR10), and the last numbers are the actual series number. For CB2 '2014200014', '2014' is the year of manufacture, '2' tells you it's a CB2, next is the 4-digit manufacture number of the robot, then the HW type ('3' for UR5 controller, '4' for UR5, '5' for UR10 controller, '6' for UR10).

    You can find the software version running by pushing the 'About' button in PolyScope. You can find 'About' on the main Home screen, or under 'File' in Program/Run mode.

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